stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.

Just because you can see down your own shirt, doesn't mean everyone else can.

It occurred to me while I was driving this morning, do people protest the hemispheric bias of the Summer / Winter Olympics? It's summer here in the non-stop party that is the Northern Hemisphere, but it certainly isn't summer in South America and Australia. I don't know about Africa. I think they only have two seasons: shitty, and monsoon. But don't quote me on that; this may come as a shock but I am not an expert on the African climate.

But seriously, if I had enough time to sit in my car this morning and come up with it, some short, greasy troll somewhere must've put together some kooky signs expressing his outraged in mis-spelled rhymes and is trying to pry his friend Steve away from his plans to build a robot girlfriend identical to Seven of Nine to become outraged (Dennis Kucinich, I am looking in your direction!)

It reminds me of the episode of the West Wing where cartographers were protesting the current maps we teach in schools because they inaccurately portray some countries larger than others because we want to give children the impression some are more important than others. Why is Iceland so small? Why not just entirely flip the map around? Why not call them the Winter Olympics? Why not have all the beautiful male swimmers sleep in my closet? These are all questions the American public, mostly me and a few of my girlfriends who want mix and match the swimmers, are desperately asking.

In other news, we are hosting a meeting of similar personnel agencies in our office today. Dan says they are not competitors, but that does not mean he did not give me the green light to systematically sabotage them whenever possible (technically he didn't, but this is called "taking the initiative"). My plan so far involves sitting here, glaring intensely, and possibly filing my nails. Perhaps I am not best suited for this sabotage business. But that's what I'm going to do today, regardless.

9:30 a.m. ::
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