stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.



On the left is me (what the hell shirt was I wearing? Blue is satan's colour), on the right is the Mormon who betrayed me. I wish I had eaten her when I had the chance!

My bland aggrivation/sadness has turned into full on anger for my perceived so-called injustice. How could she do this to me! How could she not talk to me before letting me become vulnerable to some anonymous and therefore evil stranger! I figured out Housing's StudentWeb site today, after trying to log in with a variety of combinations of personal information didn't work. The combination was in fact my e-mail user name with a random jumble of numbers, which, apparently I was supposed to know.

Regardless, I have no new roommate as of right now, and Mormon is still listed as living there. This makes me increasingly nervous. Also adding to the nerves is that I really haven't "eaten" a "meal" since "Friday" or "slept" either. I am too nervous to be bogged down with digestion right now. Wednesday Kipp is not made of time.

In other Why I'm Behind The Times / Cooler Than You news, I bought an iPod mini (in pink, same make/model as Merritt's but not purchased in Jersey and a hundred bucks cheaper). Congrats to me because I was thoroughly prodded into buying the more expensive, smaller song playing capacity than Dell's version by two Apple Freaks (If all Apple users are freaks, and all freaks annoy me, are Apple users annoying?).

I think I'm going to stop this entry--my eyelides keep getting stuck to my eyeballs and it's getting distracting.

8:01 p.m. ::
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