stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.

Later tonight, you're torn apart at the sternum by monsters.

Okay, the week is almost over, and I'm working pretty hard to try to get it together. I'm also failing very hard at trying to get it together, but that's another issue unto itself.

Christy is getting her tonsils out tomorrow, so she's going to be gone until Saturday. In the mean time she took all of the stuff from her walls, desk, and packed up and moved about 90% of her stuff out already. All that's left is a few pillows and a box of assorted binders on an empty bed. She was accepted to WVU, which is no surprise, because she fit all the requirements (pulse). I was happy to finally get her out of here (time was delaying the inevitable) but it was only now that I recognize that her being here, if only asleep, was much less lonely than looking at blank walls and an empty bed. It feels empty in here, my shit sprawling out between the two beds no longer being hampered by feelings of consideration.

Tomorrow is our big science exam. This science test is a survey course, covering everything from organic fucking chemistry to astro fucking biology in somewhere around 21 lengthy chapters, and a whole semester's worth of powerpoints which included shit not in the lectures, each chapter's powerpoint being anywhere from 60-90 slides long.

Because we have been spending the week getting retarded (don't even ask about studying for the last exam), we did not start to study until approximately 9 o'clock tonight. This was good for me, as I got in a hardcorps three hour power nap (I was out like woah, ignoring phone calls and becoming one with my sheetless little mattress) before truly realizing the impending doom.

Realizing that it is only a 100 question multiple choice test alleviated some of the pain. That's less than 5 questions per chapter, theoretically. But if these guys (link to Geller only) decide to dick us around a la all other tests we have taken this semester, it is going to be something horrible like 30 questions on one chapter and the rest spread around. Anything is possible. The test before this was a class average of 67%, and it's difficult to tell whether they will allow for some leniency in writing with that shit, just out of sheer pity. Stupid school, etc.

However, not equipped with such intense power naps, my counter parts have gone to bed already leaving me in a predicament. I'm pretty awake, and do I do the awesome thing like continuing to study, or do I indulge in distractions like cleaning, changing the fish water (which smells like vomit at this point, unfortunately, and I feel really bad for the little guy), or the most temping: play Civ and watch TV?

I wish studying were as addictive as playing Civ.

Anyway, for those who don't know, Aqua Teen is back on the regular Adult Swim (if you don't know what this is, you can go straight to hell and on your way check Cartoon Network) lineup at midnight, TWO EPISODES. Add some Maroon-5 (currently Gavin instead) and a horrible commute and this is summertime all over again, baby. I even had a long phone message from Eileen, so I am on my way.

I applied to work as a volunteer for the inauguration in January. If at the end of the month you hear reports about the President being overwhelmed by the brilliance of a black haired girl with absolutely fabulous glasses, you can say "I knew her when."

2:34 a.m. ::
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