stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.


Things I learned this weekend:

--Weekends are not weekends unless they are interrupted by some bizarre occurance: fondue-ing carrots, etc.

--The only way to win someone's love is to drive 720 miles in two days unexpectedly.

--People act like they've never seen a girl in a polka dot a-line dress with a crinoline before. Weirdos.

--Reading/doing homework is for suckers.

--Hair cuts are for suckers.

--Scented oils make me slightly, delightfully dizzy.

--I am jealous of girls with cute accents.

--(Especially pretty Indian girls with thick Southern accents)

--I am not so jealous of boys with said accents.

--Nobody likes it when I drive, especially me.

11:27 p.m. ::
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