stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.

The song will not specify whether the two clowns work together, or whether they just ignore each other. It will just demand that two clowns be sent in.

Evie, Corrine and I are going letterboxing today. Check here for more detailed information; letterboxing is basically a scavenger hunt in parks and cities for little boxes full of stamps. Kind of lame I know, but the treasure hunting part is what is important.

Since we decided to go very late in the day yesterday, and knew we would need stamps and ink for the above stamp...proceedure...we decided to go to Wal Mart at 12:30. However, because my room is a vortex and I'm incapable of getting offline, we didn't leave until about 3. Also, the closest Wal Mart open 24 hours is in Fredericksburg, about an hour drive. I burned a fresh driving mix and we were on the go.

Out of a sheer cathartic desire I took a route not necessarily the fastest, but the one that took me by Paul's old house and the road that we had taken a million times to go shopping. I hadn't been there for at least six months. I can't say it felt as much of a release as I was expecting. I was listening to music I hadn't heard six months ago, with a friend I didn't have ago. Life has changed so much, thanks partially to all the new people I have met in those six months who have really had quite an effect on me. Things are not the same, they are no longer static, and last year, they wree very static.

I couldn't cry, much like I was expecting to. I was the breaker but it was still so hard. It still is so hard. I can't regret what happened, but breaking a three year long itch is hard to do. And it leaves you a little empty inside.

I thought about all the things we used to do on weekends, and all the things I wanted to do that we never did. The latter outweighed the former, and I started to wonder if things had been as good as I always thought they were. I feel like I missed out on so much living last year, but so much of that was my own mental problems that remained relatively crippling. I then reminded myself that I was trying to re-write history to make it less painful; if I weren't happy I wouldn't made the weekend pilgramage.

Wounds heal. I'm scabbing and releasing. It is a good, healthy process. I am confident I made the right decision for both of us.

Anyway, we ended up at WalMart slightly after four. As to be expected they were undergoing a HUGE restocking and we were essentially the only people there. Commandeered were: a snail stamp for me and a caterpillar one for Evie (they match our personality: she is long and thin and I am slow), two multi coloured ink pads, two sets of sticky hooks, a five dollar huge/hideous pair of platform foam sandals, four boxes of good looking hair dye that was on sale, a brilliant brunette (john frieda) shampoo and conditioner set that I'm nowhere close to needing and cost more than 10 dollars, and that is about it.

From there we stopped at Wawa (yes, there are two there, much to my dismay) so that I could get a cap/mocha that claimed to have double the caffine (my ass) and a box of cigarettes to put in my classy new leather holder. They are mostly for show.

There is nothing that brings people closer together than singing at night in a car together. We have added two more songs already to our 2004/5 mix: as it stands it is composed of "Lets Get Retarded" by Black Eyed Peas, "1985" Bowling for Soup, "Drrty" C Aguilera, "The High Party" Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, and some song by Gavin Decraw that's the theme for One Tree Hill whose name I forget. These are all excellent tracks, I recommend them highly.

I ended up going to bed at seven thirty, waking up at one. I'm not waiting to get out of there as the two of them are getting food. I was banned from going because it takes me forever to get ready to go anywhere and I need time to prepare.

Also, I should probably be doing work, but clearly that isn't happening.

1:39 p.m. ::
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