stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.


Spritopias, you ignorant slut.

I seriously don't know how he deleted my template, but let me tell you there was some text messaging hell when I found out Sunday night. I don't know where he found this one or how he managed to mess up the HTML. But regardless I would like to thank him for keeping my readers engaged if not confused. In the meantime:


And it is on like Donkey Kong.

There are many more pictures than the ones featured in the Buzz, but they are in Paul's $600 digital camera and he is in the mountains of Assington State where there is no high speed internet. When we will get the pictures there is no way to tell.

Tomorrow I will put together an actually spelendid entry including maps and other illustrations on the journey out west, the "cities" we stayed in, the diners we ate in, and the Holiday Inn Expresses we called home. It was the best hell on earth I have ever experienced.

I will leave you with two reasons to be jealous of me:

1) I am eating a hamburger

2) I am the new owner of a gifted ("used") Dell Axiom PocketPC.

Love me, my lords and ladies. In two days I go to school and you may've missed your chance!

10:34 p.m. ::
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