stuff! things! etc!
i once gave a kangeroo a heart attack by staring at it.

Spanish is for suckers.

I'm a little upset. There's a pair of earrings I would love to have I saw while shopping on Amazon. (and adding Jenna Jameson's autobiography to my wish list) It was only after going through all the photos and trying to figure out why the model looked so familiar I realized they were out of the *Paris Hilton* collection. While I still want the earrings, gagging first thing in the morning is unpleasant. She has a lot of nerve designing jewelry I kinda like! But I draw the line at buying her book/album.

I'm skipping science class today like it's going out of style.

My eyes can't focus this morning. They keep going in and out in and out in and our.

I kinda miss being sick. While I didn't have the perfect misery, the misery I had was pretty okay.

It's strange to watch Napoleon sleep. He looks like he's dead, just hanging at the surface of the water. But he wakes up when I do and floats and flits around happy as a clam. Heh, clam.

Herman the Cactus is also doing well, I think. He gets lots of light so I assume that means he's doing well.

This week is almost over, thank god. Up next week: Calc test, physics test, annoying 7 wonders reading. Today I get my proposal back for Labor, and I'm afraid I did it all wrong. I have made a resolution to try to write a lot of the paper as soon as possible to avoid the last minute problem. I have no idea how that will shake out.

My hair trimming last night worked out well, I think. I am no good at these things. My mother would never trim her own hair--such a thing followed our family motto, "If you can afford it, have someone else do it." What I could afford was a hairbrush and a pair of Ikea scissors in front of the mirror for half an hour. Got rid of split ends, trimmed the bangs and cut myself some new ones. It's fine. No big changes.

Friday needs to get here, ASAP.

10:04 a.m. ::
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